Monday, June 15, 2015

Trippin': Gold Coast Day 2

Second day in GC: Sea World. Sea World is one of the famous attraction in Gold Coast. You can get entrance package consist of 3 theme park for a better rate (Sea World, Movie World and Wet n Wild) Word has it that Sea World is the best option for family with kids. It is a premier marine park with a lot of attractions for kids and also adults. I'll let you go on with the pictures first Dolphin show To-tol (read: Turtle) He obviously had fun at Sea World (exceed his nap time of course). The show was...

Trippin' : Gold Coast

To celebrate my birthday this year, I we chose Gold Coast, Australia for our much needed holiday. We were quite nervous about the long hour. But before the 15 hours journey we must try the 8 hours first right? 'tak mandi pagi' face  The 8 hours flight was long, 8 hours flight with Adam was even longer. Haha. We were doing fine at the first 3 hours but we kinda lose it when he was jumping here and there at the hour 4. He refused to eat and only drink the apple juice (more sugar high) At 5hrs we gave hime cough syrup!...

The longest hiatus

My my my... I have been on the longest hiatus, I can't even imagine. No excuses, I have been busy, lazy, busy and lazy again. Well, whats new? I still have one husband, one son and my belly fat has yet to reduce (I am still fat) I have been travelling for the first half of the year and most of the journey were recorded in my instagram I shall write soon. Yes... Sooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bali Bird Park

Sooo... Its been ages since Ive last wrote something in this blog. A very dusty blog of mine Nonetheless, let me continue from where I left of, the Bali Trip Arrived in Bali and headed straight to Sudamala Suites and Villa, Sanur. I usually done hefty research on the best place to stay and stuff but this time around i was swamped with work and I only book whatever cheap deals that I can get Sudamala suites is not bad actually. Since it is so difficult to find villas that can accommodates infant, so we had to settle with rooms...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Travelling with an infant(an active ONE!)

Okay, those who followed my Instagram would know that I went to Bali last week for a much needed vacation. Initial plan was to go to Melbourne, unfortunately its Winter and Adam cant be in cold weather due to his condition so we scrapped that idea out. So we chose Bali AGAIN Bali is so amazing this visit was my 5th one Really We booked flight ticket without much hesitation. I was a little bit nervous when I have those image Adam running around the plane in a very tight and small area, and those stary eyes that will look at us with some...

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