Distance: 21km
Venue: Cyberjaya (Cyberview Lodge Resort & Spa - Starting Point)
Race Partner: Fara Nurianti
"Run like hell and get the agony over with" - Clarence DeMar
Well, that's basically it. The above quotes is the perfect statement to describe our run (or at least my run) that night. The chaos created during vest collection wasn't the only blunder made by organizer. The saga continues...
We (me, booTak and Fara) went to Cyberjaya together, left Duta Ria around 5.45pm and reached Cyberjaya around 6.30pm. We were lucky we managed to park at the 'Media' parking area. It was rather empty. My guess its either the media dont know where's their designated parking or there were no media at all. Get our gear ready, and then we walked to the starting area.
The first area saw was the HeadLight counter. The collection was rather smooth as there were not many runners. We collected our headlamp and I was still contemplating on to wear it or not. Being me, I always get restless and not comfy running with stuff on my body...*sigh*
Ouh, before I proceed, allow me to introduce my running gang on that day....*drum roll*

* me and Fara
Okay, for this run Fara is my official pacer. Cheewahhh...I think when you run with friend(s), the tendency to walk or even quit the race is slim to none. Hehehe...Plus Fara is a better runner than me so her presence really help me regardless during race or just our normal run.
After collecting our headlamps, met Atietot a.k.a Tot and Han, this is Tot's maiden 10km run so she was pretty nervous but I kinda know it earlier that she will ace it. Ouh Han is not running by the way, he is our official handphone keeper. *wink*
So we camwhore for a little bit. These are the results:

* me and booTak :)

* me, Atietot and Fara. Luckily I wasnt in the middle, or else ke-pendek-kan akan lebih terserlah
After camwhoring session, I looked at my cheap adidas watch and 7.15pm appears. 15more mins before reporting time. So me and Fara were getting ourselves ready, put on some deep heating rub, apply some lotion to prevent blister as well as eating up our chocolates. Ouh we went to the loo also but yeiks, it was dirty BUT not as dirty as when PNM 2010. Huhu

* applying all sort of creams. booTak was busy with his phone. Huh

* tying my shoe laces and trying to attach the D-Tag. Tengs to booTak he accidentally clipped the blue tag earlier so I had no tag to clip on. and HE IS STILL BUSY WITH HIS PHONE. Double HUH

* yours truly
7.30pm, we heard the crew was screaming: "21km, go to the starting line pls" so off we go. booTak accompanied me to give some moral support :). Ouh he did 10km anyway in case you wonder eh why he accompanied je ni. On our way I saw the port-a-loo queue is already building up. Nasib pergi awal k. Spotted Harizal as he was busy showing off his skinny legs to the volunteers who held the Salonpas spray.
Ouh ya, did I tell you that we met with Mr.E? hehehhehehe
Tak percaya? inilah buktinya

*I bet Mr.E was angry at me that time because I literally pulled his arm.

*me, Mr.E and Harizal
We joined the crowd and it was already 7.40pm that time. booTak left us and we were getiing ready, stretching and stuff. I remembered my PBIM experience, during the final 10mins before gun off I was literally shivering. Maybe the fact that this is my 2nd attempt makes me feel excited more than nervous. Chit chat while waiting for the gun off and tetibe *PHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN* (i cant describe the real bunyi)...so off we go.
Me and Fara had a little pact, no matter what happen never leave anyone behind. So we started with a slow pace. Me and her side by side running. I feel quite okay to be honest even though during the hill climbing moment. Continued with the same pacing, I dont really care when people passes me by. I was drowned with the thoughts that "nevermind better finish strong than laju gegile and then pancit"
Went down the hill and we spotted the first water station. I told myself, this cant be 2km already; its too soon. We skipped the station anyway and proceed. We entered Persiaran Multimedia and it was rather dark that time. "Nasib bawak headlamp" I slowly talked to Fara and she nodded. The first 5km was rather okay.
It was quite a quiet race for me and Fara. I guess we were both struggling to be comfortable at our own pacing and decided to keep the energy instead of wasting it by chit chatting. Mind you we are not avid marathon runners so our stamina fluctuated. Hehehe.
We continued our run with I think 6mins per KM pacing. Yah that was quite fast for me actually but I wanted to beat my PB for 10km. Little that I know that Fara was struggling behind. When we reached the 10km distance marker (i saw it nearby the water station) I felt something being pulled of at my calves. This is not good so I told Fara I need to do some pit stop. We stopped at the water station hoping for some mineral water only to find out there was no water left. Nadaa...not even mineral water let alone Gatorade. Ouh ya the Salonpas spray too. Haih....
So we continued our run to the next water station and masyaAllah it was a dreading 3km. Seriously. The heat really killed me. I dont understand why, I thought night race was supposed to be cold or something. Haih....met one dude and we ran together for 10mins. We chit chat a little bit and suddenly i heard "Suhana Ali, Suhana Ali"...Huhhhh sapa ni...i turned back and it was Prakash and he dont even have a running bib. I told him "dude, you r crazy fella. why la run with no bib".
We ran for quite a bit and he left us. When we reached the 15km distance marker, it was already 1:45hrs so i told myself, eh mcm cepat je ni. Fara was looking at me and we decided to take it easy and be nice to our body so we walked. Hahahhaa...power walk to be exact. After all we have 1:15hrs for the remaining 6km, so not so bad kan.
So we literally TAKE IT EASY. Hahahaha..and it bite us back in the end. Huh. When we almost reached the pasukan bomba with the "shower station" one volunteer told us "rileks la kak, 3km je lagi". So I was little bit puzzled. Eh mana ada water station lagi so cant be 18km already. So I retaliated "Eh, sure or not, mana boleh" then he said "eh ye la 3km je"
I looked at my watch, 2.15hrs. Eh cun la if 3km je lagi kan. So we passed by the "shower station" really slowly. Hahaha...i loved the shower station. It feels like I was in one Hindustan Movie and suddenly hujan turun. Kan selalu mcm tu.
After the shower station ran ahead for about 1km (not really run, we power walked most of time). My calves really hit me bad so I need to stop and run, stop and run. Again, no mineral water only Gatorade so I took a sip and it gave me a funny feeling as if I was high on Gatorade. (for the record, I dont like Gatorade). But I had to drink it or else risk the cramp get worsen. Slow jog and suddenly I heard one uncle asked the volunteer about the remaining KM.
"Yah 5.7km"
How come wei, I thought 3km left. I looked at my watch 2.25hrs. Damn it I only have 35mins more for the remaining KM. So did little bit of sempoa calculation to find out that I have to finish it with 6.14mins per KM pacing. WHATTTTT!!! Giler ke dengan kaki mcm ni
Suddenly we run our race Speedy Gonzales version. Yup! We ran like cartoon and i heard Fara was struggling with her breathing. Ouh no....after 2.7km I turned back and ask her condition. She nodded giving the indication that she is fine. But her gaya larian has slowly changed. This is bad news.
When we stopped at the junction to turn to the cyberpark, i heard the volunteer said "come one 3more KM"
"apa ni...." (bukan patutnya lagi 2km ke?"
I've decided to just ignore it and run. Slow jog to be exact. I was exhausted and my feet are not communicating with my brain. I told them "Run" instead they gave me this wobbly movement and I almost fell. Fara said "Look we are not gonna make it anyway so dont push your body"
I was frustrated. Seriously. So we power walked throughout the 2km and when as I hear the music getting nearer and nearer, I felt empowered. Maybe I should just try. The kids at the so-called roundabout shouted "1km je kak. Kamon". Ignored the pain and I started to run again, only to make matters worst. My calves rasa mcm ditarik dengan kuat. SHAIITTTTT...
"Stop nana. dont run. Lets just walk"
You see, I have this ego where how late I finish my run, I have to finish it with gaya. I must finish it dengan berlari ye kawan-kawan bukan lenggang kangkong mak limah. But my ego did not win the argument as I walked still. booTak spotted us and he hold my hand till the end. Thank you sayang. You are the BEST!
I saw the never ending small road and continued walking. Saw Raz, Haron, and Prakash again. *sigh* I hate it when people saw me weak like that. Huhuhu
Stepped on the finishing mat recorded 3.11hrs. Yah worst that PBIM (2.40hrs) but nevermind. Maybe night race is just not my thing.
But if you ask me "Nak lari 21km lagi tak?"
My answer will be"
This bad experience wont stop me for trying again. Thats for sure.
So this is the medal:

* front

* back
So this are the things that I like about the race:
1. Goodie bag ada barang Schick :)
2. Bomba "shower station"...I feel so sexy already
Erm, yah thats it
The things that I dont like (maybe organizer can improve):
1. Lack of medical supply (spray, cream and stuff)
2. Lack of mineral water
3. Distance marker
4. Volunteer yang tipu saya
In my opinion, Energizer shouldn't be blamed entirely. Pacesetter after all is co-organizer and being the 'Pacesetter' they are, they should know better. After all this is expensive race so to speak so perhaps better plan next year.
Congrats to Kak Julin for her maiden Marathon 42km. Anda adalah wanita yang maha hebat! Tengssss. I think I saw you tapi nampaknya bukan you sbb you pakai tudung purple. Hehehe..the small lady that I saw pakai tudung grey. AND I FREAKING LOVE you pre-race jitters picture. COMEL OKIE.
And special thank you to Fara for being with me the entire race. I know you could have done better! Hehehhehe
Nana! Congrats. Timing scmiming. Yang penting tak serik kan? I scanned the opposite side of the road for you but I'm rabun ayam one. Haha.
Yes they tend to tipu kan about the distance kat stations. I asked one guy kat station, he said 12 K to go. Then I asked a running uncle, he said " No lah, got 17 more to go"
its ok..try yr best next time..keep on training..mybe u bleh training kat gym ke...enjoy sket..heehe..gud Luck!
Kak! Omg you so hebat. hehehe... first time trying the full mara and did 5:27hrs. So awesome powsome. When I ran I pun tgk2 the other side of the road kot2 can see you. And i also rabun ayam. Hahahaha...
I think I need to get the Garmin thingy manjingy la. Ku tak rela ditipu lagi. Huwaaa.....
Hi Edan, yah me lack of training. Like really really slacking. Hehehe...lots of things happened, dental surgery la apa la, so me malas train. So padan muka segedebik kena. Hehehe...Hope to see you running soon.
part yg aku plng suke-->booTak spotted us and he hold my hand till the end.
auuuuwww :)
Mayyyyyy! Hehehe...of kos kena pegang tangan aku sbb aku dah cramp kaki melampau masa tuh. hehehe...marilah men-join-kan diri berlari-lari mesra. Hehehehe
lame dh nk join lari2 ni..
tp tade geng :(
silela klik link tu..
mesti ko lompat2 suke :)
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