5 years in agony...
The 'hat throwing moment' was priceless.
* hat throwing moment
So when Miza text-ed me inviting to attend her MICPA graduation
I say "wah..exciting"
I got to feel the excitement again
So I went with booTak...
Together we went to UiTM Shah Alam...
This is Amiza a.k.a Miza Kru (siapalah yang still suka KRU lagi di zaman zaman skrg ni)
The extremely brilliant girl that is very down to earth
I dont know how she did it
Study and working at the same time
Clap...clap...clap kepada miza
i am extremely proud of her achievement. Im telling you to get a CA (Chartered Accountant), its not easy. Time, energy and almost everything you have to sacrifice to get it. Haih, I wonder whether I can do that.
While taking her picture, we came with this crazy idea of me wearing her robe pulak. Knowing I will never get the chance to wear UiTM robe, so I bought the idea. Hehehehe
* me getting ready
* lompatan
* demi lompatan
* bootak bersama Miza
* all of us....
Congratulations Miza...
I am so, very, extremely proud of you
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