Event: Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009Venue: PenangStart: 3.45am (Women Open Half Marathon)Date: 22 November 2009So as you have read before in my previous entry, as I was yip-yapping about my condition, my so-not-prepared condition for the said race
After its all has been said and done
I can breath easily now
No more panic moment
No more waking up early in the morning just to train
No more the "can I do it" attitude.
I made it
I did it
I am grateful for being able to do it.
So lets talk about the race then
We reached Queensbay Mall quite early as Prakash who entered the Full Marathon need to be there by 1.30am. The moment we arrived, police has already flooded the area with their big bike and their flashy cones and lights, giving way for the runners to enter before they entirely close the road at 2.00am
While waiting, we slept in the car (yah, we slept!!!!) for almost 1 hour. Poor bootak who had difficulty to sleep early; earlier (cant really say the night before). Sharp at 2.50am, we make our way to the starting grid. Getting ready...
Did a little bit of stretching and stuff, little bit of warm up and little bit of chit chatting while waiting for the flag off. I was so nervous that time considering that this is our first half marathon. I kept saying to myself, "can I do it?", "can I finish the race?"
argghhh...that was a real torture I must say.
But before the race, little bit of camwhoring session
* the awful me
* with his awful pose (yah we were sleepy)
* before race The Men category started first at 3.30am. We had this pact that he will wait for me at the bridge so we can run together (provided I ace my time reaching the bridge la kan). So my sole motivation to run at pace 5.5mins per KM was solely because of him. Hahahaha...I think if its not because of him sure berlenggang kangkong taking my own sweet time to reach the 5km mark.
We managed to meet up at KM 6 I think, and then I think I saw
Edan. My God, dah patah balik ke? Sangatlah hebat kan...I tried to shout his name but the only thing that came out from my mouth was my saliva. Hahaha...I guess I was too tired to shout. (cheh....br 6km je)
We proceed until the turning point for Half Marathin at E2.8. It was not a pleasant experience for me as running on hilly bridge (approximately 1.3km) was not easy. At least for me. I cant say the same for bootak as he aced it. When we reached the turning point, I said to myself, "I have to learn to run alone. I have to test my limit, my capability"
So 1km after the turning point, I told him "If you think Im going slow, you go ahead". As fast as lightning, he freed himself and meluncur laju ke hadapan. Hehehehe...I guess its better for him to run his own race rather than waiting for me.
So for the next 10KM, I was alone. The first 1km was little bit easy but the moment i reached the 15km marker, I felt little bit uneasy on my left ankle. So I took a power walk. Little that I know that it only worsen the situation. I saw a dude with a flanil then terus je "Dude, can I have some?"
Boy, he wasnt prepared for that as he was staring at me for about 3 seconds and then "err, yah". Hahaha...poor fella.
I continued the run until the flyover and I saw the flock has already making their way back to Queensbay Mall....Damn...i was way behind. As I gave a quick look at my watch, it shows 2hr 05mins. Then I decided, this pace wont make me get through the finishing line sub 2hr30mins, lets push a little bit.
I know I wasnt fast. But I know that I am fast enough to make a big difference in my running experience. Usually after 8km, I could barely maintain my pace, let alone constantly run until the finishing line. PBIM changed it and I am glad.
One thing that I notice throughout the race, Men has their own little 'ego' I must say. I noticed every time women runner past by men runner (whose walking by the way) they will immediately start running and try to keep up with those women. A little bit funny I must say but who am I to judge
I crossed the finishing line with time 02:40:58. Yah, I know it was not that good but for a first timer, Im happy with the achievement. Then again, im in it to prove myself I can do it. I am competing with myself.
So we secured the medal and waited for Prakash who finished his full marathon in 5hrs 15mins. awesome!!!!
I would do it again
p/s: okay my race report wasnt that great. Hhaahahaha. I have a non runner readers so it has to be explained in a layman term. Hehhehe
* us with our medal
* the happy me-alThank you for all wishes from my gentle reader as well as from those posted it at facebook. Those wishes kept me going!!!